Product & Solutions

Log Storage and Analysis

Collect data from various sources and perform deep analysis to find patterns in order detect any potential vulnerabilities within the company network.

Continuous collection of telemetry data from servers, desktops, laptops, and other devices around the clock.
Enables organizations to collect data from unlimited endpoints in real- time.
Provide actionable insights to SOC and GRC teams.
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Cloud Service Monitoring

Collect data from from various SA,AS solutions using connector to analyze in order to find any potential security vulnerabilities.

Pulls event data related to administration or access from cloud service providers.
Contextualizes the event data with other available sources such as CMDB, HR data, etc.
Built to gain actionable insights from high frequency, high volume data.
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Asset Reconciliation

Discover assets, create asset, inventory, analyze the scan reports to identity vulnerable assets.

Identifies the application an asset belongs to or the application owner or finds errors in asset allocation in CMDB.
Gathers information required for a compliance reason.
Asset Discovery is executed based on the event data that comes to the platform.
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Identity Reconciliation

Enrich events with user identity, information to generate a 360 degree view of user’s activities in order to find any potential anomalous behavior.

Deals with discovering existing accounts, the account aliases, and the account privileges.
Insights that help to check security hygiene, or worse, to investigate an unfortunate data breach event.
Normalizes the event data and enriches it with user information independent of their account alias.
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VPN Analytics Solution

Analyze VPN session data to fin,d any potential mis-use of the VPN connections.

Restricts the misuse of VPN connections.
Monitors and Analyzes VPN data feed in real - time.
Finds out potential anomalies in a Virtual Private Network.
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DLP (Data Loss Protection) Solution

Analyze endpoint such as servers, laptops, p,rinters etc. logs to detect and trace any potental data loss.

Prevents users from sensitive information based on file contents.
Provides contextual information for forensic investigation in case of an unfortunate case of a data leak.
Provides insights by gathering information from various data sources.
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